Gaia Project - board game insert
Gaia Project - board game insert
Production time
Production time
Although we try to maintain sufficient stock of the most popular products, most 3D printed products (especially inserts) are made to order, so your order is always placed on a waiting list. Production time is dependent on our production capacity. The estimated time is always currently posted at the top of the information feed. Once production is complete, we will ship your order within the next day,
The delivery time depends on the place of delivery. Orders from the Czech Republic and Slovakia are delivered within two days after the order is dispatched. Orders within the European Union are usually delivered within 10 days. Orders outside the European Union (United States, Canada, Asia, Australia) are usually delivered within three weeks due to customs procedures in your country.
Important information
Important information
Material of inserts
PLA - We print our products from this material as it allows us to
print faster without difficulties. This also has a positive effect on
the price of the product. It is a very strong material, but it is
fragile. It can be damaged if dropped from a greater height.
Do not expose printed products to direct UV light and temperatures above 50°C - deformation (bending, twisting) could occur.
Inserts are intended for storage in a closed box, not for mechanical stress.
The material is not flexible.
Not intended for use with foodstuffs
3D printing
3D printing is a very specific activity with different manufacturing
processes. As such, each product may have some inaccuracies, but these
do not affect the function of the product - most of the time it is only a
cosmetic defect. Small printed layers are visible on the product.
During the development of the inserts, minor deviations from the
photographs shown in the product detail may occur, but are usually an
improvement to the insert.
3D printed insert for the board game Gaia Project (2017)
- Player components divided into separate boxes to speed up game preparation - color coded.
- The boxes ensure that the components stay in place during game storage, even in a vertical position.
- Designed to store sleeved and unsleeved cards in 80 micron thickness.
- Can be stored horizontally and vertically without distorting the layout of the components.
- No assembly required.
Inserts are also designed for storing sleeved cards, so it is recommended to provide the cards with sleeves to protect the cards from damage and contamination. We recommend the following number of sleeves for this game:
30x Chimera Standard (57,5x89 mm)
- 1x organiser for standard tech tiles
- 1x organizer for federation tokens
- 1x divider
- 7x box for player components
- 2x box for cards
- 2x organiser for common stock
- 1x organiser for round boosters and common stock
- 1x organiser for remaining tokens
The game and the game cover are used for illustration purposes only. They are not included.
Only downside is that I just bought the expansion and wish I didn't order until there was an expansion insert included. Otherwise, fantastic product! Just bad luck for timing, haha.
Item arrived as it was described
All the pieces fit together perfectly. The game is much quicker to set up and therefore comes out more often.
Everything perfect, as expected, + candies!
(Translated from German) The best game inserts - very satisfied!